Players experience per level generator

This generator will create a file with all the "levels" required data so you can import them in Reldens.

The generator code can be found here:

Require parameters:

  • "startExp": is the experience required to reach the first level.

  • "baseGrowthFactor": this is the multiplier by which the previous level experience will be multiplied, and it's going to be incremented on each level iteration by the "growthIncrease" property.

  • "baseGrowthFactorPerLevel": this is a container to specify a new "growthFactor" starting the specified level. Following the example below, this way if the initial growthFactor is 2, it will be applied until the level 5 when it changes to 1.5. It is normal to decrease this value according the required experience increase, otherwise the required experience will get too high in the latest levels.

  • "maxLevel": loop will generate data until this level inclusive.

  • "growthIncrease": as noted above this value is used to increase the "baseGrowthFactor" per level iteration.

To use the generator follow these steps:

  • Go to your game folder and create a folder called "generate-data".

  • Inside the created folder create a new file named "players-experience-per-level.json".

  • Save the following content in the file:

    "startExp": 10,
    "baseGrowthFactor": 2,
    "baseGrowthFactorPerLevel": {
        "5": 1.5,
        "10": 1.35,
        "15": 1.271,
        "20": 1.1,
        "40": 1
    "maxLevel": 100,
    "growthIncrease": 0.005

This JSON contains the parameters that will be passed to the players-experience-per-level command.

  • Open a console for the command line in your game folder. As next, we need to generate the "levels" for those sets.

  • Run the following command:

$ npx reldens-generate players-experience-per-level ./generate-data/players-experience-per-level.json
  • As result, a new folder called "generated" will be created under your "game" folder, and there you will find a file with the generated data like:

    "1": {
        "req": 10,
        "total": 10,
        "growthFactor": 2
    "2": {
        "diff": 10,
        "req": 20,
        "total": 30,
        "growthFactor": 2.005
    "3": {
        "diff": 20,
        "req": 40,
        "total": 70,
        "growthFactor": 2.01

Last updated