Level Modifiers

A "level modifier" in Reldens is a way to establish the player "stats" increments by level.

For example:

  • In level 1 the player will have 20 "HP".

  • In level 2 that will be incremented 10 (30 HP in total).

To make that happen we need to create a "level modifier" for the "level 2" (related by level ID) that will have a "value" of 10 for the player "HP" property.

Though we will always have a "single" set of "stats", the entities (like players or NPCs), will have two sets of the same "stats":

  • The "stats" itself that will contain the current value of the stat.

  • The "statsBase" that will contain the "maximum" value for the stat.

An easy example of this is the common "HP" or "MP" that will be normally increase/decrease with damage or magic, and where you still need to keep the original maximum value like:

  • HP 20 / 100

  • MP 83 / 100

  • [property] [stat-current-value] / [stat-base-value]

These two keys ("stats" and "statsBase") are "hardcoded" in the entities and all over the game logic.

In order to create a modifier we need to specify:

  • "level owner": relation by level ID.

  • "key": a string to identify the modifier.

  • "property key": the path to the property including the initial "set", like "stats/hp" or "statsBase/hp".

  • "operation": normally will be "increment", but you can set any of the available operations

  • "value": the value that will be applied according the selected "operation".

Note, operations can be used to reduce a "stat" if let's say you want your player change their "path" goal. For example: learning magic will increase the "MP" but at the same time could reduce a player "strength".

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