Open source platform to create multiplayer games.
Version: 4.0.0
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Do not miss our demo!
Play as guest or register as user. The demo will show how everything works under a bare minimum server setup.
We use this demo to show how many features are available on the platform.
In order to access the server admin you need to register with an email and password.
Administration panel:
IMPORTANT NOTE: every action in this admin demo is blocked on purpose, in order to really test all it's features you need to do it on your own implementation.
Join us on Discord!
Sample game creation process:
- Step #1 - Installation
Install Reldens following the installation guide.
- Step #2 - Contents creation
Use all the provided methods like generators, imports, commands, and admin panel to create the contents for your game.
- Step #3 - Customize your game
Check the most common customizations to change the game flow (login, registration, screens) as you need.
Follow this guide to get your game up and running in no time
- Step #4 - Publish it!
Though we don't offer a cloud service to upload your game, you can check this example guide on how to create your own server in AWS.
Since the platform use Colyseus we also recommend to try their cloud services.
Navigate the entire docs to learn everything about Reldens.
Support or sponsor the project :)
If you like to contribute or donate to support the project please feel free to contact me on Discord.
Last updated