Levels Set

A "level set" in Reldens is a container group of "levels".

As part of a "level set" you will find two properties that can be specified to help with the "levels" creation:

  • "Autofill ranges": to automatically generate virtual gaps between the assigned levels.

  • "Autofill experience multiplier": which is the value used to increase the experience required between the levels.

But the recommendation is to keep these disabled and use the "levels" generator.

Here's an example on how these properties would work:

  • Created Level 1, required experience 1.

  • Created Level 2, required experience 10.

  • Created Level 5, required experience 100.

The "Autofill ranges" will create virtual levels for 3 and 4. The "Autofill experience multiplier" will be used as multiplied for the previous level required experience, like:

Math.round(this.levels[n-1].requiredExperience * this.autoFillExperienceMultiplier);

So if you have 1.5 as multiplier, then virtual level 3 experience will be 15 and for virtual level 4 will be 22.5.

As you can see it can be helpful but also risky since in a few levels the number can get high pretty quick.

Also, this value will be "unique" for every level, so if you have a gap for example between level 45 and 48 it will still be using the same multiplier.

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